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Athletics Handbook and Protocols

Athletics Handbook

This handbook has been prepared to provide a reference under which the athletic programs of Malden Catholic are to be organized, administered, and supervised. All staff members, athletes and parents in the athletic programs are expected to know the provisions of this handbook and are to adhere to their responsibilities. The policies and procedures set fourth will continually be evaluated so that the athletic programs can be improved. While every possible infraction or rule could not be included, this handbook is used as an example of high standards for MC Athletics.

Preventing Prescription Opioid Misuse Among Student Athletes (pdf)

Parent Athlete Handbook

Concussion Protocol

In 2010, Massachusetts passed Senate Bill 2496, commonly known as the "Concussion Law", designed to require schools, parents, and athletes to be educated and have procedures in place regarding concussion reporting. Understanding head injuries is still an inexact science; the CDC describes a concussion as a "traumatic brain injury that comes from a blow to the head." Most concussions occur without a loss of consciousness and simply are not as plainly obvious as a bad broken bone or sprain. Eliminating concussions is next to impossible; in contact sports, injuries of all sorts are inevitable. That makes recognizing head injuries, treating them, and ensuring an athlete is fully healed before he or she returns to the field is absolutely critical. This law requires parents and athletes to receive information about concussions. Malden Catholic's Concussion Protocol is outlined below: