Athletics Hall of Fame
2023 Hall of Fame
Malden Catholic Brother Daniel Cremin C.F.X. Athletics Hall of Fame
Individual Inductees
Joseph P. Albert ’58, hockey, golf, cross country. [2000]
Eugene W. Alston ’85, basketball, football. [1995]
Timothy C. Ammer ’89, football, swimming (captain), baseball, water polo. [2005]
Ralph Antonelli, Plus Ultra Award Winner. [2000, posthumously]
Joseph H. Armstrong ’61, baseball, football. [1998]
Brother Baptist McCarthy, CFX, first football coach at Malden Catholic, basketball coach, and athletic director from 1933 to 1940. [1993, posthumously]
John J. Barry ’41, baseball, football, hockey. [1993, posthumously]
John J. Barry ’50, baseball, hockey (captain). [2000, posthumously].
Daniel J. Bennett ’46, football, baseball. [1990, posthumously]
Edward J. Bergen ’55, football, baseball. [1996]
Peter Bergen ’56, baseball, hockey (captain). [1995]
William J. Boland ’38, hockey (co-captain). [1990, posthumously]
Steven J. Bond ’83, football, basketball (co-captain), baseball. [1998]
David Boraks ’57, indoor and outdoor track. [1994]
Robert J. Brady ’60, football, basketball, track. [1992]
Sean P. Braud ’90, swimming (captain), champion diver. [1998]
Robert A. Burns ’50, football, baseball, track. [1990]
Brother Gilbert Cairnes, CFX, first Headmaster of Malden Catholic. [1989, posthumously]
Alma Cameron ’38 GCHS. [2000]
Anthony G. Campano ’61, football, baseball, track, hockey. [1989]
James M. Campbell ’76, football, baseball, indoor and outdoor track. [2002]
Mark T. Cannon ’73, football (captain), baseball, basketball. [1989]
David Caputo ’85, football, baseball. [2022]
James Carr, Special Contributor. [1991, posthumously]
Leo T. Casey ’87, indoor and outdoor track. [2002]
Harold C. Cash, Jr. ’78, football (captain), baseball, track. [1991]
Richard J. Cavanaugh ’53, hockey, football (co-captain) baseball. [1989]
John J. Coakley ’38, football, basketball, baseball. [1992]
James J. Coates ’53, basketball, baseball. [1994]
John J. Colangeli ’40, football, baseball. [1990]
Joseph P. Coleman ’40, football, baseball. [1991]
Robert F. Conceison ’69, hockey, coach. [1996]
Matthew J. Connelly, Special Contributor. [1993, posthumously]
Joseph Conway (also known as Brother Firmin) [1989]
Richard J. Correale ’90, football (captain), baseball. [2002]
William E. Cosgrove ’42, baseball, football, hockey, track. [1995]
Manuel I. Costa, Special Contributor. [1994]
John J. Courtney ’64, football, hockey. [1993]
Maurice G. Covino ’73, football. [1997]
Brother Daniel T. Cremin, CFX, coach. [1995]
Dennis F. Cullen ’63, football and basketball. [2002]
Richard W. Cullen ’66, football (co-captain), baseball, hockey. [1990]
Richard T. Cunningham ’49, football, baseball. [1998]
James L. Davis ’87, baseball, hockey, football. [2002]
John Dawley ’72, football (captain), baseball, basketball, track (captain). [1996]
Leonard Dempsey ’53, cross country, basketball, baseball. [1996]
Thomas J. Dempsey ’66, cross country, indoor and outdoor track. [1992]
Michael P. Devlin ’73, hockey (captain). [2002]
Gino J. DiGirolamo ’47, baseball, football, hockey, track. [1993]
David J. Dion ’89, baseball, soccer, hockey. [1997]
Francis Doherty ’46, football, basketball, baseball. [1996]
Gerard F. Doherty ’46, football. [1997]
John J. Dolan ’41, football, hockey. [1994, posthumously]
John Donelan ’48, hockey, football, baseball. [1989]
Robert R. Donohue ’48, baseball, football, hockey. [1990, posthumously]
Michael E. Doohan ’49, football. [1993]
James E. Downing ’87, football (captain), baseball (captain). [1998]
Charles P. Driscoll ’57, coach. [1991]
John P. Driscoll ’50, football, basketball and track. [2002]
James E. Duff ’58, cross country, indoor and outdoor track, basketball. [1992]
Paul A. Dumas ’48, hockey, football. [1997]
William V. Dunn ’38, hockey, co-captain of first MC hockey team. [1994]
Stephen E. Eisenhaur ’79, cross country, swimming, track. [1991]
John C. Emery ’64, baseball (co-captain), football, basketball (co-captain), track. [1990]
Brother Evangelus, CFX, Special Contributor. [1996]
John E. Fahey ’65, cross country, golf, indoor track, outdoor track. [1995]
John Falzone ’60, football, outdoor track (co-captain). [1996]
Eugene F. Fama ’56, football, baseball, track. [1992]
Joseph Fidler ’70, hockey (captain). [1996]
Michael E. Fidler ’74, hockey. [1990]
Robert V. Ford ’47, football, hockey (captain), baseball. [1989]
Steve Frecker, baseball coach. [2022]
Thomas F. Gilligan ’36, all scholastic football, basketball, and baseball. [2000, posthumously]
Daniel B. Goggin ’53, hockey, baseball, football. [1990]
James E. Goggin ’57, indoor and outdoor track. [1993]
Robert J. Goggin ’61, track (captain). [2002]
Paul E. Gover ’64, football, basketball (co-captain), baseball. [1990]
Richard W. Grant ’52, football, hockey, baseball, track. [1989]
Peter R. Grava ’82, football (captain). [1992]
Robert E. Green ’36, football (captain). [2002, posthumously]
Francis W. Griffin ’48, football, basketball. [1992, posthumously]
Brother Cyril Grogan, CFX, Athletic Director from 1942-1949. [1997, posthumously]
Albert W. Gubbins ’48, hockey. [2000]
Robert J. Hardy, Jr. ’85, soccer, hockey (captain). [1996]
Frank W. Harris ’66, football, hockey (captain), baseball. [1989]
Stephen Harris ’68, football, hockey, baseball, track. [2022]
John M. Harvey ’77, cross country (captain), hockey (assistant captain), outdoor track, (co-captain). [1996]
John J. Herbert ’45, football, baseball, hockey. [1998]
George S. Hughes ’74, hockey (captain), football, baseball. [1989]
John F. Hughes ’75, hockey (captain), football (captain), baseball. [1990].
Daniel P. Hurley ’51, football. [1996, posthumously]
John J. Hurley ’43, football, baseball. [1991, posthumously]
Neil J. Hurley ’66, football (co-captain), basketball (co-captain), baseball (co-captain). [1989]
Francis H. P. Kelley ’58, football, basketball, baseball. [1994]
Frederick J. Kelley ’43, football, hockey, baseball. [1998, posthumously]
Bert Kenty, hockey coach 1946-1968. [1989]
Edward G. Kenty ’68, hockey, baseball, football. [1991]
John J. Keough ’60, hockey, golf. [1992]
Joseph J. Keough ’57, hockey, baseball. [1991]
Keith P. Knox ’96, golf (captain). [2005]
Donald J. LaBossiere ’49, football, baseball. [1997, posthumously]
Joe Lang, coach. [1996]
John W. Layton ’85, football. [2002]
Ryan Layton ’02, football, hockey, lacrosse. [2022]
Sean Layton ’03, football, hockey, lacrosse. [2022]
Joseph R. Leahy ’43, football, hockey, outdoor track. [2000, posthumously]
Richard T. Leary ’49, hockey, baseball. [1992]
Jack Leavitt ’02, swimming. [2022]
Carl L. LeDuc ’59, football, baseball, basketball. [1991]
Ernest A. LeDuc ’53, hockey (captain), baseball, track. [1990]
John P. Lee ’49, football, hockey, track. [1992]
James B. Logue ’57, hockey (captain), football, baseball, golf. [1990]
William P. Lynch ’63, hockey. [1992]
Michael J. Maddaleni ’74, baseball, football (co-captain). [2005]
Robert P. Magner ’54, hockey. [2002]
Maurice J. Maher ’36, baseball (captain), football, basketball. [1989]
Joseph E. Mahoney ’56, baseball, football, basketball (co-captain). [1989]
Lawrence A. Malatesta ’51, football, baseball. [1994]
Richard T. Mallon ’51, football, track. [1997]
Brother James E. Malone, CFX, Special Contributor. [2002]
Richard Mazzei ’74, lacrosse coach. [2022]
Joseph A. Massa ’86, football, baseball. [1998]
Thomas E. Mayne ’45, football, hockey. [2000, posthumously]
John J. McCarthy ’38, football, basketball (captain), baseball, track. [1991]
Leonard R. McCormack ’54, hockey, baseball, cross country. [2002]
Arthur L. McDermott ’79, track. [1990]
Thomas C. McDermott ’54, football, baseball. [2000]
Michael F. McDonough ’53, cross country (captain), hockey, track, baseball. [1991]
H. Joseph McGinley ’46, football, hockey (co-captain). [1994]
Joseph P. McGonagle ’47, Special Contributor. [1993]
Brother Myles McManus, CFX, track coach. [1989]
Peter P. McQuaid ’45, football, baseball, hockey. [1997, posthumously]
Leonard R. Merullo ’60, baseball, football, hockey, track. [1993]
Luigi Mirisola ’96, soccer. [2005]
Raymond F. Mooney ’60, baseball, hockey (captain). [1993]
Daniel W. Moynihan ’69, cross country. [1990]
Kevin Mulgrew ’98, swimming. [2005]
Joseph M. Mulkerrin ’55, baseball, basketball. [1997]
Brother Thomas C. Mulloy, CFX ’47, football (co-captain). [1990, posthumously]
Stephen J. Nolan ’83, baseball, basketball, football. [1993]
David J. Norton ’75, football (captain), hockey. [1991]
Edward J. Norton ’51, football (captain). [1993]
John F. O’Donnell ’47, football, basketball (captain), baseball (captain). [2005]
Joseph J. O’Donnell ’62, football, baseball, basketball. [1989]
Paul J. O’Neil ’71, hockey (co-captain). [1991]
Stephen J. O’Neill ’78, soccer coach. [1997]
Joseph G. Pallotta ’47, football, baseball, track. [1989]
Robert W. Parker ’63, football, hockey (captain). [2005]
Brian Parow ’04, wrestling. [2022]
Marc H. Pedi ’80, basketball (captain). [1990]
James J. Perry ’96, football (captain), basketball (captain). [2002]
Dario Pizzano ’09, baseball. [2022]
Gregory P. Polaski ’85, hockey, soccer. [1995]
Michael J. Powers ’71, hockey. [1990]
John Prior, football coach. [1990, posthumously]
Kevin P. Quinlan ’98, football (co-captain), basketball, track. [2005]
William J. Reagan, track coach. [1992]
Ronald E. Reilly ’62, football, hockey, baseball. [1994]
Michael Ricciardone ’71, cross country, indoor and outdoor track, captain or co-captain of all 3 teams. [1991]
Paul J. Richard ’66, baseball, football. [1992]
Edward P. Ricupero ’57, football coach 1964-67, the ’65 team was Catholic Conference as well a Class B Champion. [1990]
William F. Roche ’46, hockey champion goalie. [1998, posthumously]
Louis J. Ruggiero ’66, cross country, indoor and outdoor track. [1991]
Robert J. Santo ’53, football. [1998]
Timothy J. Scanlan ’88, football (co-captain), indoor track. [1998]
Thomas P. Scannell ’55, baseball. [1993]
Louis Sensale ’40, football. [2000, posthumously]
Kevin F. Shea ’67, baseball, basketball. [1993]
Joseph L. Sheehan ’89, swimming. [1997]
Kieran J. Sheehan ’52, football, baseball, basketball. [2000, posthumously]
C. Howard Smith ’43, football, hockey, baseball. [1990]
Charles H. Smith ’45, football, baseball, hockey. [1997]
Father Mark (John) Smith ’48, hockey, football (co-captain). [1990]
Donald J. Snell ’40, football (co-captain), hockey. [1991, posthumously].
Leo B. Spencer ’56, football, baseball. [1997]
Brother Robert J. Sullivan, CFX ’45, Special Contributor. [1992]
William J. Sullivan ’36, football, baseball, basketball. [1989]
William M. Sullivan ’56, hockey, outdoor track. [1994]
David L. Swan ’58, basketball (captain), outdoor track. [1991]
Jay P. Symonds ’87, football, basketball, baseball. [1998]
Jon M. Symonds ’85, football, basketball. [1997]
Mark W. Tarpey ’83, football. [1998]
Keith M. Tkachuk ’90, hockey, baseball. [1997]
James Trainor ’75, baseball, hockey. [1995]
Robert L. Tramondozzi ’58, football, basketball, baseball, track. [1994]
Hugh J. Treanor ’60, baseball, football, hockey. [1989]
John F. Treanor ’40, football, baseball, basketball. [1989]
Edward P. Tropeano ’68, indoor track (captain), outdoor track (captain). [1992]
James B. Turner ’79, hockey (captain). [2002]
John F. Turner ’56, hockey (co-captain), baseball. [1992]
Domenic Vincenzo Jr. ’94, soccer. [2022]
David I. Walsh ’37, football (captain), hockey, basketball, baseball. [1993, posthumously]
John J. Walsh ’44, football (co-captain), baseball, hockey. [1998]
Gerald L. Weitz ’56, football, indoor and outdoor track. [1996]
Paul J. West ’78, indoor and outdoor track, soccer, swimming. [1995]
Robert J. Wheeler ’48, baseball, hockey. [1991]
Joseph W. Wilkins ’47, football, hockey. [1995]
Stephen Wishoski ’68, football, baseball. [2022]
Walter T. Wishoski ’36, football, baseball, basketball (first captain, 1935). [1989, posthumously]
Harold Yandle ’72, hockey (captain). [1996]
Team Inductees
Undefeated and Unscored upon
Eastern Mass. League Champions. [2002]
Special Contributor. Undefeated Catholic league champions and Class B co-champions. [1996]
Special Contributor. This squad epitomized teamwork, with a balanced combination of scoring ability and defense. Won the state championship and other prestigious tournaments, including the Woodman Cup, the Northeast Conf. Championship and the North Shore League Playoff Championship. [1995]
New England Catholic Conference winners. Captain Tom Horne was recognized as a Catholic Conference all-Conference 1st Team, and Tom Mamos was awarded the New England Catholic Tournament MVP. [2022]
Undefeated dual meet season, Metropolitan Cross Country Champions, second place as a team in State meet. [2000]
Special Contributor. Catholic Conference winners, Class B state champions, ended their season with perfect record of 8 wins, no defeats. [1991]
Special Contributor. This talented team compiled a record of 20-1-1 on its way to the Catholic Conference, Division 1 Eastern MA and State titles. [1992]
Led by legendary Coach Chris Serino, the team won the Catholic Conference Championship and the first of 5 Super Eight titles spanning a period of 6 years. The 2010-2011 team finished with an impressing 21-2-2 record. [2022]