Browse this page for the answers to the most frequently asked questions about the MC experience for students in grades 6 through 12. If you have questions we haven't covered here, please feel free to call the Office of Admission at 978-781-475-5308 or email oneilm@maldencatholic.org
- What devices do students need?
- What is the uniform?
- Are financial aid and payment plans available?
- Do students automatically get accepted for 9th grade if they attend the Middle School?
- Do we have to buy middle school books?
- Are there transportation options?
- Is lunch included?
- Does the middle school require an entrance exam like the ISEE?
- Are there electives for Middle Schoolers like band, art, tech lab, gym?
- When does school start? How long is the school day?
- What languages are offered?
- Are there placement test for Middle School Math and English?
- Is there a nurse for the Middle School?
- Is there an Achievement Center for the Middle School?
- Does MC accept kids with a 504 or IEP?
- Is there a Middle School Counselor?
What devices do students need?
What is the uniform?
Are financial aid and payment plans available?
Do students automatically get accepted for 9th grade if they attend the Middle School?
Do we have to buy middle school books?
Are there transportation options?
Is lunch included?
Does the middle school require an entrance exam like the ISEE?
Are there electives for Middle Schoolers like band, art, tech lab, gym?
When does school start? How long is the school day?
What languages are offered?
Are there placement test for Middle School Math and English?
Is there a nurse for the Middle School?
Is there an Achievement Center for the Middle School?
Does MC accept kids with a 504 or IEP?
Is there a Middle School Counselor?
We are excited that you are interested in Malden Catholic's 7th and 8th Grade Academic Program!
If you have a quick question, please complete the Ask A Question form below. If you would like to inquire about one of our upcoming Informational Sessions and be added to MC's 7th & 8th Grade Admissions Email List please complete the Inquiry form to the right. We look forward to hearing from you!