High School Tuition TBA
Middle School Tuition $18,975
Registration Fee (New Students Only) $200 (non-refundable)
Graduation Fee $275 (non-refundable)
Payment Options and Due Dates
- Payment in Full: July 1
- Two Payments: July 1 and September 1
- 10 Monthly Payments: July through April – payments by EFT (choose the 5th or 20th)
Financial Assistance
Incoming 9th graders:
December 19 – deadline to apply online, including all documentation, at https://online.factsmgt.com/signin/3CJS3.
Early February – notification sent of financial assistance award (via email)
Incoming 7th & 8th graders:
January 15th – deadline to apply online, including all documentation, at https://online.factsmgt.com/signin/3CJS3.
Late February – notification sent of financial assistance award (via email)
Financial assistance awards can be seen via your payment plan on Facts Management. Plans are set up mid-May of each year. Please log into your Facts account payment plan to view your award details.
Returning Upperclassmen:
March 15 – deadline to apply online, including all documentation, at https://online.factsmgt.com/signin/3CJS3.
Contact Information
For tuition and financial assistance, please contact MC's Student Accounts Department - 781-475-5329 lanek@maldencatholic.org
Financial Assistance Application and Monthly Payments
FACTS Management 1-866-441-4637 https://online.factsmgt.com/signin/3CJS3
Loan Option
Information can be found at Your Tuition Solution, please visit yourtuitionsolution.com.