Academic Overview
Malden Catholic prides itself on academic excellence. For over ninety years our students have excelled in a faith-based environment dedicated to offering expansive academic opportunities that set the stage for student growth and success. MC offers:
- A rigorous and robust curriculum centered on exploring essential questions and developing essential skills
- A challenging, flexible academic program that fosters life-long habits of intellectual curiosity, critical thinking, problem-solving and independent judgment
- A wholistic, student-centered approach to education that develops the skills students need to excel in college and thrive in the workplace.
The academic departments at Malden Catholic ensure that the curriculum for our students is challenging, interesting and prepares them for their college experience. To read more about each department, including objectives, department missions in relations to Malden Catholic's Mission, and teaching methodologies, please refer to the descriptions below.
9th Grade Brother Kevin Program
The Brother Kevin Program responds to the individual needs of 9th grade students whose personal learning styles and academic profiles indicate they will benefit from additional support for college preparatory classes. The program is designed for students who have ability - but need a stronger foundation in study skills and learning strategies.
Participants in the Brother Kevin Program have schedules which include a double English class. Students also have access to a full-time learning specialist who provides organizational support and consults with the student's teaching team.
The 10th grade Brother Kevin Program continues the foundational work that started in Grade 9. Students work with their learning specialist as a team each cycle to review organizational skills, discuss classes and ensure that everything is order for students so they can achieve their best. Additionally, the learning specialist is available each day before school, during the school day and after school to work on any project-based learning, test preparation and challenging homework assignment.
The Brother Kevin Program accommodates a limited number of students each year. Placement is recommended by Malden Catholic administration and the learning specialist, based on a review of student transcripts, standardized test scores and academic profile.