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President's Corner

John Thornburg at MCLI 2024

President Thornburg speaking to students at MCLI 2024

Welcome to Malden Catholic!

I encourage you to spend some time on our website to learn more about our amazing high school. We truly are a unique, one-of-a-kind school that you won't find anywhere else. Malden Catholic is codivisional with separate gender academic programming within one school. This means that we offer our young men and women the "best of both worlds" in an environment tailored to meet their individual needs - free from distraction during the day while providing integrated social opportunities after the school day. Please see our MC by the Numbers statistics page to see how effectively we deliver our college preparatory experience. 

We are a Xaverian Brothers Sponsored School (XBSS) guided by the spiritual values of simplicity, humility, compassion, trust and zeal, and we are known for inspiring students to live a life of service, leadership and excellence. This is done in an inclusive community of faith that nurtures enduring personal relationships and life-long learning. Our outstanding academic program, combined with our faith-based community, enables each student to become the best version of themselves.  

Malden Catholic is a school with a rich history and a tremendous growth record. I would encourage you learn more and schedule an Open House visit. It would be our privilege to meet you in person and tell you more about our school. 


John K. Thornburg

Date Range


Zeal - State Cross Country Finish Chute
John Thornburg

The finish line at the Wisconsin State Cross Country Meet has stringent guidelines. One of the policies that is vigorously enforced is that only competitors are allowed in the finish area. This prevents the "finishers" from backing up and preventing others from having a clear path across the finish line. Additionally, several race officials are stationed to act as security to prevent fans from entering the area as well.

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False Fingertips
John Thornburg

In second grade, my teacher read aloud a book called The Mystery of the False Fingertips by James Holden. It tells the story of two teenage boys who set out to solve a mystery about a set of Egyptian ceremonial fingertips which were stolen from a museum. There was intrigue, action and suspense. This was my first exposure to a mystery book, and it captured my attention as the two boys searched for the truth of what happened to the stolen artifacts. I was transfixed each day as my teacher read us each exciting chapter.

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Prayer and Reflection
John Thornburg

Deer hunting season in Wisconsin is a significant, state-wide event. Hundreds of thousands of hunters wear blaze orange and head out to the woodlands. It was not uncommon when driving along a country highway to see dozens of tiny orange specks dotting the landscape. We lived in Wisconsin for many years and become accustomed to the enthusiasm surrounding the season.

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Crab Tree Roots and Our Faith
John Thornburg

The centerpiece of our backyard is a mature flowering crab tree. Each spring, the buds burst forth with light pink blossoms that provide a sweet, spring fragrance. We look forward to the annual event as it announces the return of warmer weather, longer days, and the summer vacation.

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Dog Owner and Log in My Own Eye
John Thornburg

It had been a good day. Work had gone smoothly; my evening meeting had been canceled, and I was able to get home in time for dinner. My wife was happy to have me home earlier than usual, and the dog pranced around the house, barking to announce my early arrival. My wife and I enjoyed dinner while the dog patiently waited for attention. After dinner, the dog grabbed her frisbee and waited by the door for me to play.

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Model Train
John Thornburg

One Christmas, I gave my five-year-old son a toy train set. My father was a railroad engineer, and I always had a fascination with trains. Over the years, my father gave my son and I several real train rides; the two f us were always captivated by the engines.

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Embankment Tube
John Thornburg

If you visit the Embankment Tube station (part of the London Underground in Westminster), you may notice a woman sitting quietly. She is not waiting for an underground train (subway). She is waiting to hear a voice. And it is not just any voice. It is the voice of her deceased husband. Margaret McCollum’s husband, Oswald, passed away in 2007. His voice, which was recorded over 45 years ago, tells travelers to “mind the gap” when the train pulls into the station.

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Christmas GPS
John Thornburg

I am in the habit of using my car's navigational system during my morning commute. This system allows me to get a sense of how long it will take to get to school and if there are any areas to avoid on my route. There was an early morning meeting on my calendar last week, and I left my house in plenty of time to arrive at school at least fifteen minutes early so I could be ready for the meeting... or so I thought. When I got in the car that morning, my GPS told me that I would arrive one minute late for the appointment. Exasperated, I set out determined to make up that one minute along the way.

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Dead Car Battery
John Thornburg

In the fall, I traded my 2004 Toyota Tundra for a newer more reliable vehicle. Although the old truck still made the daily commute to MC, I could tell that it was beginning to struggle. The new vehicle came equipped with updated technology (even though I did really miss the truck's cassette tape player.) With technological advancements such as a camera that helped me back up and a hatch that opened with the push of a button on the key fob, I quickly forgot about old truck and transitioned into driving the updated vehicle.

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Humility and Leadership
John Thornburg

During my junior year in college, I attended a summer mission project in New Jersey.  The goal of the project was to provide college students opportunities to grow in their faith.  During the day we held down full-time jobs, the evenings were for faith formation and the weekends for community outreach and service.

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Making Plans
John Thornburg

There is a small, desolate island off the tip of Door County in Wisconsin.  It is called Rock Island and is accessible by a ferry for those wishing to visit the island.  The ferry is limited to only carrying people and runs a tight schedule during the day.  Most visitors come to hike during the day, but there are a few places where camping is allowed.  Campers are without electricity, running water or access to civilization. 

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Finding a Level Place
John Thornburg

We recently purchased an older home which we knew would need some major home improvements. Growing up in the Midwest, an older home was considered to be from the 1940s or so. I used to take my children to Old World Wisconsin where there is a series of themed villages built to historical specifications.

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A Letter From The Headmaster
John Thornburg

This spring has been a very difficult one for our school community.  The challenges associated with the COVID-19 pandemic have erased what we considered normal for not just our school, but for all our families as well.

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Paddling in a Straight Line
John Thornburg

I used to work during the summers at an adventure camp for middle and high school boys.  There was an emphasis on leadership and during the program each student was given the opportunity to lead.  It was rewarding to see the boys’ transformation over the two-week program.

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The Essence of Mother's Day
John Thornburg

It was Mother’s Day this past weekend and I hope you had an opportunity to honor your mom or if you are a mother your children did something special for you.  We are truly blessed by the mothers in our Malden Catholic community who are teachers, staff and parents. 

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Finishing Your Own Story
John Thornburg

Each school year, as I have mentioned, is a story in itself.  I like to think of a book with four chapters (one for each grade level).  We have the main character (your student) who sets out on a journey (academics/extra-curricular activities) and encounters various challenges stimulating their growth into a young adult.

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Following Directions
John Thornburg

We used to live in a house with the bathroom right off the bedroom.  Every morning when I would get out of bed the first thing I did was reach for is the bathroom light switch.  I could usually find it without too much stumbling around.

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Coming Together In Troubling Times
Amanda Beresheim

A story caught my attention that was recently broadcast on the local news.  Someone donated $5000 worth of gift cards at a grocery store.  These gift cards were to be used to pay for customers groceries between the hours of 6:00 and 7:30 a.m. 

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The Essence of Easter
John Thornburg

This is always a special time to remember and celebrate Our Lord Jesus Christ’s victory over death.  It’s a time to reflect and grow in a deeper way with Christ.  It’s a time to allow Him to develop new ways to translate into our lives what He accomplished over 2,000 years ago.

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Moving Past Fear With Faith
John Thornburg

One summer, a young woman, Cheryl, approached our church for some help.  She had fallen on hard times and was having trouble making ends meet.  Besides providing financial assistance, our church looked to help her in other ways as well.

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The Role of Faith – In Uncertain Times
John Thornburg

Only a few weeks after I obtained my driver’s license, I was pressed into driving my whole family home from a long trip during a torrential thunderstorm. We were traveling from my grandparent’s cabin in northern Minnesota back to our home in Minneapolis with my mother, three sisters and my aunt all packed in the car.

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Distance Learning
John Thornburg

I’d been coaching cross country at a small, private military boarding school for a few years and had developed a fairly good team. One day, I came up with an idea that would challenge all of us to move beyond the familiar.

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The Locker Thief
John Thornburg

Lessons from our past can often serve as guideposts for our future.  When I was in middle school, my friend and I asked the history teacher for permission to go to the library and grab a few books for an upcoming research paper. 

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Facing Disappointment as a Child
John Thornburg

Students sometimes need us to help them navigate through disappointment.  Managing and navigating the course however, can be challenging because what causes disappointment in a teen’s life isn’t always easily understood.

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The Capsized Sailboat
John Thornburg

It was the summer of 2005, and I was the sailing instructor for an all-male, summer adventure program. The independent school where I taught wanted to increase revenue by offering a summer program and they needed a sailing instructor.

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Dragon's Tail
John Thornburg

A few years ago, my wife and I (plus the dog) visited the Smoky Mountains in Tennessee.  We were living in Cincinnati which is only about a five-hour car ride.  We had never seen the area before and thought this would be a great opportunity.

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The Unethical Cross-Country Runner
John Thornburg

Years ago, I coached a promising young cross-country runner named Bret.  He liked to run and was a personable young man.  I enjoyed coaching him and looked forward to seeing him improve and become a great runner. 

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The Marginal Way
John Thornburg

Recently, I had the opportunity to travel to Ogunquit, Maine.  The seacoast there is breathtaking, and my wife and I thoroughly enjoyed our time there.  We were able to walk on a path situated right on the coastline called The Marginal Way.

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On a Lake in Northern Minnesota
John Thornburg

One summer I was at a friend’s cabin on a lake in Northern Minnesota.  It was a great place to go because we could fish, water ski and swim.  I always enjoyed my time there and admired my friend’s watercraft abilities.  He had a knack navigating anything that could float.

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The Lighthouse
John Thornburg

I watched the movie Shutter Island a few weeks ago and was struck by the scenery and locations where the movie was filmed.  The film tells a chilling story about a detective trying to solve a murder case on a secluded island that has an insane asylum.

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Taking the Wheel
John Thornburg

During the summer of 1968, my father decided to replace the engine of his 1963 Ford Fairlane.  There are those who understand the combustion engine and can easily diagnose and repair them. There are those that liken themselves a mechanic and fearlessly, but naively, dive in over their heads.

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Two Big Wins for MC
John Thornburg

I had the opportunity to attend our girls’ first home soccer game this past week. They played a competitive and spirited game against the other team and it was fun to watch.

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United in Spirit, Intent on One Purpose
John Thornburg

Welcome to the 2019-20 school year! I am excited to get the school year underway and I am thankful you chose Malden Catholic High School. As the only Catholic, codivisional school in the area, I know your son or daughter is going to have an outstanding experience this school year.

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