- School Event
Catholic Schools Week
Catholic Schools Week 2025
Sunday, January 26 – Saturday, February 1
Since 1974, National Catholic Schools Week is the annual celebration of Catholic education in the United States. It starts the last Sunday in January and runs all week.
The theme for National Catholic Schools Week 2025 is “Catholic Schools: United in Faith and Community.” Schools typically observe the annual celebration with a variety of events. Below, you will find our Malden Catholic plans for the week. Through these events, schools focus on the value Catholic education provides to young people and its contributions to our church, our communities and our nation.
Each day, our morning prayer will focus on a Catholic Schools theme.
- Monday Funday, January 27th
- After school trivia led by Eamonn Casey in cafeteria 2:30–3:30 PM; snacks
- Free Dress Down Day - dress down day rules apply*
- Tuesday, January 28th:
- Flapjack Tuesday: student- cooked pancakes in the cafeteria 7:30-8:30 AM
- After-School Bible Study Prayer-Group ... in Campus Ministry, 2:30 PM; snacks
- Make-A-Wish Dress Down Day $5 ... Wear something Blue (Make-A-Wish color)
Money will be collected during homerooms. All dress down day rules apply.* Those who chose not to participate in the dress down day must be in regular dress code.
- Wednesday, January 29th:
- Morning Rosary, 7:30 AM
- All-School Mass, 1:15 PM - All students must arrive to school in Mass Day attire.
- Father Stanley Rousseau presiding
- Pastor of Morning Star Collaborative
- Former Superintendent of Catholic Schools, Diocese of Jacmel, Haiti
- Father Stanley Rousseau presiding
- Thursday, January 30th:
- Pizza and Prayer, 5:00 PM in cafeteria, Margie and Paul Chisholm Speakers
- Free Dress Down Day - dress down day rules apply.*
- Friday, January 31st:
- Faculty/Staff Appreciation breakfast and lunch! (courtesy of Administration)
- (No classes: Faculty/Staff professional development)
- Through week, Theology teachers are encouraged to offer some overview of Catholic education in the U.S., using NCEA as resource and some info Br. Puccio will provide.
- Essay Contest: 350-500 words, typed, double spaced.
- Topic: What Catholic Schools Mean to Me
- Due: Tuesday, January 28, 9:00 AM
- Emailed to Brother Puccio: tpuccio@maldenctholic.org
- $50 1st Prize
- $25 2nd Prize
*Please note: All Dress Down Days must follow Dress Down Day protocol which can be found through this link.